// Global Variables grdOptions = new Array(); // Grade Array reportOption = ""; rptNumber = 1; rptNumberOth = 1; rptNumberAdvOth = 1; // AJAX loadHTML = "Loading..."; urlBase = "/cc3_scripts/cc_server2.exe?style$=GUI&class$=EAR&optionclass$=EAR&mode$=EAR&wrap=false"; // --> Session Variables appended in TPL if ( !Array.indexOf ) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(obj) { for ( var i=0; i < this.length; i++ ) { if ( this[i] == obj ) { return i; } } return -1; } } jQuery.fn.autoStudent = function(dsp) { var textInput = $(this); $.get( urlBase, "template$=ear_oth_student_data", function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { var studentData = new Array(); var studentName = new Array(); studentData = responseText.split("\n"); for ( s = 0; s < studentData.length; s++ ) { studentData[s] = studentData[s].replace(/\r/g, "").split(" : "); studentName[s] = studentData[s][0]; } textInput.autocomplete({ delay: 0, minLength: 3, source: studentName, create: function(event, ui) { $(this).data("selected", false); $(this).data("open", false); }, search: function(event, ui) { $(this).data("selected", false); $(this).data("open", false); }, open: function(event, ui) { $(this).data("open", true); }, select: function(event, ui) { $(this).data("selected", true); var stdIndex = studentName.indexOf(ui.item.value); var stdId = studentData[stdIndex][1]; $(this).data("stdId", stdId); if ( typeof(dsp) != "undefined" ) { dsp.loadStudent(stdId, "Oth"); } $(this).data("open", false); }, close: function(event, ui) { /* if ( !$(this).data("selected") && $(this).val().length > 6 ) { var dlg = $("#dlgAddCrsCode"); dlg.data("autoField", $(this)); $("#fldAddCrsCode", dlg).val($(this).val()); $("#fldAddCrsTheirId, #fldAddCrsTitle", dlg).val(""); dlg.dialog("open"); } */ } }); }); } function docReady(term) { var menuTabs = $("#menuTabs"); menuTabs.tabs({ disabled: [2] }); // var tabFac = $("#tabFac", menuTabs); var tabFac = $("#tabFac"); var crsList = $("#crsList", tabFac); $("#termselect", tabFac).attr("size", "1").val(term).change(function() { crsList.loadCourses(); }); crsList.loadCourses(); var facMenu = $("#tblFacMenu", tabFac); var mnuFac = $("th", facMenu) mnuFac.buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $("input", $(this)).click(function(e) { $(this).clickFacMenu(); }); } }); $("label", mnuFac).css("color", "#000000"); var mnuFacRpt = $("td.menuFacRpt", facMenu); mnuFacRpt.buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $("input", $(this)).click(function(e) { $(this).clickFacRpt(); }); } }); var mnuFacRst = $("td.menuFacRst", facMenu); mnuFacRst.buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $("input", $(this)).click(function(e) { $(this).clickFacRst(); }); } }); var mnuFacOth = $("td.menuFacOth", facMenu); mnuFacOth.buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $("input", $(this)).click(function(e) { $(this).clickFacOth(); }); } }); $("label", facMenu).css("width", "200px"); $("input, button", facMenu).button("disable"); var tabAdv = $("#tabAdv", menuTabs); var stdInfo = $("#stdInfo", tabAdv); $("form[name='sisHeader']", $(this)).submit(function() { stdInfo.loadStudent($("#studentid", $(this)).val(), "Adv"); return false; }); $("#studentid", tabAdv).attr("size", "1").val(" ").change(function() { stdInfo.loadStudent($(this).val(), "Adv"); }); var advMenu = $("#tblAdvMenu", tabAdv); var mnuAdv = $("th", advMenu) mnuAdv.buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $("input", $(this)).click(function(e) { $(this).clickAdvMenu(); }); } }); $("label", mnuAdv).css("color", "#000000"); var mnuAdvInf = $("td.menuAdvInf", advMenu); mnuAdvInf.buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $("input", $(this)).click(function(e) { $(this).clickAdvInf(); }); } }); var mnuAdvReg = $("td.menuAdvReg", advMenu); $("#btnAdv2yrCS", mnuAdvReg).button(); $("#setAdvReg", mnuAdvReg).buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $("input", $(this)).click(function(e) { $(this).clickAdvReg(); }); } }); $("#btnAdvWeb", mnuAdvReg).button({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).click(function(e) { $(this).clickAdvReg(); }); } }); var mnuAdvRpt = $("td.menuAdvRpt", advMenu); mnuAdvRpt.buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $("input", $(this)).click(function(e) { $(this).clickAdvRpt(); 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var tabFac = $("#tabFac"); var tblFacMenu = $("#tblFacMenu"); $("input:checked", tblFacMenu).removeProp("checked").button("refresh"); // $("div.dspFac", tabFac).html("").hide(); // Traditional CampusConnect ONLY $("div.dspFac", tabFac).html(""); $(this).load(url, data, function() { var courseId = $("#courseId", $(this)); if ( courseId.length ) { courseId.change(function() { $("input:checked", tblFacMenu).removeProp("checked").button("refresh"); // $("div.dspFac", $("#tabFac")).html("").hide(); // Traditional CampusConnect ONLY $("div.dspFac", $("#tabFac")).html(""); $("#crsInfo").loadCourseInfo($(this).val()); // Traditional CampusConnect ONLY if ( tabOption == "apr" ) { $("#dspFacRpt").loadFacRptAPR(); } else if ( tabOption == "att" ) { $("#dspFacRpt").loadFacRptAtt(); } else if ( tabOption == "grd" ) { $("#dspFacRpt").loadFacRptCG(); } }); // Traditional CampusConnect ONLY courseId.change(); $("#crsInfo").loadCourseInfo(courseId.val()); $("input, button", $("#tblFacMenu")).not("#btnFacRptAss, #btnFacOth, input[name='btnFacOth']").button("enable"); } else { $("#crsInfo").html(""); $("input, button", $("#tblFacMenu")).button("disable"); } }); } jQuery.fn.loadStudent = function(stdId, opt) { $(this).html(loadHTML); var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_student_info"; var data = "studentid=" + stdId; var opt = ( typeof(opt) != "undefined" ) ? opt : ""; var tab = $("#tab" + opt); var tblTabMenu = $("#tbl" + opt + "Menu", tab); $("input:checked", tblTabMenu).removeProp("checked").button("refresh"); $("div.dsp" + opt, tab).html("").hide(); switch(opt) { case "Adv": var col = $("td.menuAdvReg", tblTabMenu); $("#btnAdvWeb", col).removeProp("checked").button("option", "label", "WebReg"); $("label[for='btnAdvWeb'], col").css("color", ""); break; case "Oth": break; default: } $("input, button", tblTabMenu).button("disable"); if ( $.trim(stdId) != "" ) { $(this).load(url, data, function() { $("input, button", tblTabMenu).not("#btnAdvRptAR, #btnAdvRptARP, #btnAdvRptAGR, #btnAdvRptACS, #btnAdvOthEA, #btnOthRptFUP").button("enable"); if ( opt == "Adv" ) { $("#dspAdvReg").loadAdvWeb(stdId, "btnAdvWeb"); } /* switch(opt) { case "Adv": $("#dspAdvReg").loadAdvWeb(stdId, "btnAdvWeb"); break; case "Oth": break; default: } */ }); } else { $(this).html(""); } } /* jQuery.fn.loadStudentAdv = function() { $(this).html(loadHTML); var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_student_info"; var tabAdv = $("#tabAdv"); var stdId = $("#studentid", tabAdv).val() var tblAdvMenu = $("#tblAdvMenu", tabAdv); var col = $("td.menuAdvReg", tblAdvMenu); var data = "studentid=" + stdId; $("input:checked", tblAdvMenu).removeProp("checked").button("refresh"); $("div.dspAdv", tabAdv).html("").hide(); $("#btnAdvWeb", col).removeProp("checked").button("option", "label", "WebReg"); $("label[for='btnAdvWeb'], col").css("color", ""); $("input, button", tblAdvMenu).button("disable"); if ( $.trim(stdId) != "" ) { $(this).load(url, data, function() { $("input, button", tblAdvMenu).button("enable"); $("#dspAdvReg").loadAdvWeb(stdId, "btnAdvWeb"); }); } else { $(this).html(""); } } */ jQuery.fn.loadCourseInfo = function(crsId) { $(this).html(loadHTML); var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_course_info"; var data = "courseid=" + crsId; $(this).load(url, data); } jQuery.fn.loadCourseMenu = function() { var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_course_tabs"; $(this).load(url, function() { var crsMenuTabs = $("#crsMenuTabs", $(this)); $("#menuFacRpt", crsMenuTabs).buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).clickFacRpt(); } }); $("#menuFacRst ", crsMenuTabs).buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).clickFacRst(); } }); $("#menuFacOth", crsMenuTabs).buttonset({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).clickFacOth(); } }); crsMenuTabs.tabs(); }); }; jQuery.fn.loadFacRptAPR = function() { $("#hdrFacRpt").html("Early Alert Reporting"); var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_rpt"; var data = "termselect=" + $("#termselect").val() + "&courseid=" + $("#courseId").val(); $(this).html(loadHTML); $(this).load(url, data, function() { $("#btnFacRptAPR_Add", $(this)).button({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).css("color", "red"); $(this).click(function(e) { $("#dspFacRptAPR").loadFacRptAPR_Add(); e.preventDefault(); }); } }); $("button", $("#tblFacRptAPR_List", $(this))).button({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).click(function(e) { var rptId = $(this).attr("reportid"); var flgView = $(this).hasClass("view"); var flgEdit = $(this).hasClass("edit"); var flgDelete = $(this).hasClass("delete"); if ( flgView ) $("#dspFacRptAPR").loadFacRptAPR_View(rptId); if ( flgEdit ) $("#dspFacRptAPR").loadFacRptAPR_Edit(rptId); if ( flgDelete ) $("#dspFacRptAPR").loadFacRptAPR_View(rptId + "&confirm=true"); if ( !flgView && !flgEdit && !flgDelete ) alert(this.className); e.preventDefault(); }); } }); $("#tblFacRptAPR_List", $("#dspFacRptAPR")).hideButtons(); }); } jQuery.fn.loadFacRptAPR_Add = function() { var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_rpt_add"; var data = "courseid=" + $("#courseId").val() + "&termselect=" + $("#termselect").val(); $("#courseId").data("rptPost", "add"); $(this).html("Loading..."); $(this).load(url, data, function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { $("button", $(this)).button({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).click( function(event) { $(this).clickFacRptAPR(event); }); } }); $(this).setDatepickers(); $("select.issue", $(this)).each(function() { $(this).append(attOptions).change(function() { $(this).statusChange($(this).data("row"), true); }).change(); }); $("select.grade", $(this)).append(grdOptions); $("textarea.comment").each(function(index) { $(this).change(function() { $(this).textCounter(512, 64); setFlag(index + 1); }).keyup(function() { $(this).change(); }); var html = ""; $(this).parent().find("." + $(this).attr("id")).each(function() { html += $(this).val(); }); $(this).html( html.replace(/
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} }); $("button", $(this)).button({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).click(function(e) { $(this).clickFacRptAtt(event); }); } }); }); } jQuery.fn.saveFacRptAtt = function(rptId) { var crs = $("#courseId"); var crsId = crs.val(); var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_att_save"; if ( typeof(rptId) == "undefined" ) { var rptString = getRptNbrString(rptNumber); var rptId = crsId + rptString; } var data = $("form", $(this)).serialize(); data += "&reportid=" + rptId + "&courseid=" + crsId + "&approval=E&rptPost=" + crs.data("rptPost"); $(this).html("Saving..."); var elm = $(this); $.post(url, data, function(data) { elm.html(data); var t = setTimeout("$('#dspFacRptAtt').loadFacRptAtt_View('" + rptId + "')", 2000); }); } jQuery.fn.signFacRptAtt = function(rptId) { var crs = $("#courseId"); var crsId = crs.val(); var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_att_save"; if ( typeof(rptId) == "undefined" ) { var rptString = getRptNbrString(rptNumber); var rptId = crsId + rptString; } var data = $("form", $(this)).serialize(); data += "&reportid=" + rptId + "&courseid=" + crsId + "&approval=S&signed=Y&rptPost=" + crs.data("rptPost"); $(this).html("Submitting..."); var elm = $(this); $.post(url, data, function(data) { $("#crsInfo").loadCourseInfo(crsId); elm.html(data); var t = setTimeout("$('#dspFacRptAtt').loadFacRptAtt_View('" + rptId +"')", 2000); }); } jQuery.fn.deleteFacRptAtt = function(rptId) { var crs = $("#courseId"); var crsId = crs.val(); var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_att_save"; var data = "&reportid=" + rptId + "&courseid=" + crsId + "&approval=X&signed=&rptPost=delete"; $(this).html("Deleting..."); var elm = $(this); $.post(url, data, function(data) { elm.html(data); var t = setTimeout("$('#dspFacRptAtt').loadFacRptAtt()", 2000); }); } jQuery.fn.loadFacRptAtt_Edit = function(rptId) { var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_att_edit"; var data = "reportId=" + rptId; $("#courseId").data("rptPost", "edit"); $(this).html("Loading..."); $(this).load(url, data, function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { $("#dpReportPick").datepicker({ altField: "#reportDate", altFormat: 'mmddyy', duration: 'fast', minDate: '-4m', maxDate: '+0m', firstDay: '1', hideIfNoPrevNext: true, navigationAsDateFormat: true, // beforeShowDay: $.datepicker.noWeekends, showButtonPanel: true, currentText: 'MM', onSelect: function(dateText, inst) { $("td.rptDate", $("#tblFacRptAtt_Edit")).html(dateText); } }); $("button", $(this)).button({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).click(function(e) { $(this).clickFacRptAtt(event); }); } }); }); } jQuery.fn.loadFacRptAtt_View = function(rptId) { var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_att_view"; var data = "reportId=" + rptId; $("#courseId").data("rptPost", "view"); $(this).html("Loading..."); $(this).load(url, data, function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { $("button", $(this)).button({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).css("color", "red"); $(this).click(function(e) { switch(this.id) { case "btnFacRptAtt_Confirm": $("#dspFacRptAtt").deleteFacRptAtt(rptId); break; default: alert(this.id); break; } e.preventDefault(); }); } }); }); }; jQuery.fn.setDatepickers = function() { var r = 1, rowCnt = $('#stdCnt', $(this)).val(); while (r <= rowCnt) { var pickDate = $("#iDate" + r, $(this)); var saveDateId = "#issueDate" + r; pickDate.datepicker({ altField: saveDateId, altFormat: 'mmddyy', duration: 'fast', minDate: '-2m', maxDate: '+0m', firstDay: '1', hideIfNoPrevNext: true, navigationAsDateFormat: true, beforeShowDay: $.datepicker.noWeekends, showButtonPanel: true, currentText: 'MM' }); r = r + 1; } $("input.msgNotice").keyup(function (e) { if ( $('#stdFlag' + $(this).attr("row")).val() != "S" ) { $(this).val(""); alert("You must have a reported Early Alert to send a message to the student."); } }); } function setFlag(row) { var flag = ""; var stdFlag = $("#stdFlag" + row); var iRow = stdFlag.closest("table"); $("select, input:text, textarea", iRow).each(function() { if ($(this).val() != "") flag = "S"; }); $("input:checkbox, input:radio", iRow).not("input.chkNoEmail").each(function() { if ( this.checked ) flag = "S"; }); // Set Flag stdFlag.val(flag); // if (flag != "S") $("#message" + row, iRow).val(""); } function attendChange(dd, row, focus) { var dPick = $("#iDate" + row, dd.closest("table")); if ($("option:selected", dd).attr("class") == "askDate") { dPick.removeProp("disabled"); if (focus != false) { dPick.focus(); } } else { dPick.val(""); dPick.removeProp("disabled"); } dPick.shadeDate(); /* if (reportOption != "EDIT") setFlag(row); */ } jQuery.fn.shadeDate = function() { var color = "#55FF55"; 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"#FFD100" : "#FF5555"; // MC Gold else RED } $(this).css("background-color", color); } function setStatus() { elms = $("select.issue", $("#dspFacRptAPR")); for (i = 0; i < elms.length; i++) { attendChange(elms[i], i + 1, false); } } jQuery.fn.hideButtons = function() { for (row = 1; row <= $("#rptCnt", $(this).parent()).val(); row++) { var rptApproval = $("#rptApproval" + row, $(this)); if ( rptApproval.val() == "S" ) { $("button.edit, button.delete", rptApproval.closest("tr")).css("visibility", "hidden"); } } } jQuery.fn.clickFacRpt = function( display ) { $("#btnFacRpt").click().button("refresh"); var dsp = ( typeof(display) != "undefined" ) ? display : $("#dspFacRpt"); var id = $(this).attr("id"); if ( id == "btnFacRptAPR" ) { dsp.loadFacRptAPR(); } else if ( id == "btnFacRptAtt" ) { dsp.loadFacRptAtt(); } else if ( id == "btnFacRptCG" ) { dsp.loadFacRptCG(); } else if ( id == "btnFacRptMFG" ) { dsp.loadFacRptMFG(); } // else if ( id == "btnFacRptAss" ) { dsp.loadFacRptAss(); } else { alert("Button " + id + " is undefined."); } } jQuery.fn.loadFacRptCG = function() { $("#hdrFacRpt").html("Current Grades"); // $(this).html("

Coming Soon!

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display : $("#dspAdvInf"); var stdId = $("#studentid").val(); var id = $(this).attr("id"); if ( id == "btnAdvInfDD" ) { dsp.loadAdvInfDD(stdId); } else if ( id == "btnAdvInfDA" ) { dsp.loadAdvInfDA(stdId); } else if ( id == "btnAdvInfUT" ) { dsp.loadAdvInfUT(stdId); } else if ( id == "btnAdvInfVS" ) { dsp.loadAdvInfVS(stdId); } else if ( id == "btnAdvInfVG" ) { dsp.loadAdvInfVG(stdId); } else if ( id == "btnAdvInfVT" ) { dsp.loadAdvInfVT(stdId); } else { alert("Button " + id + " is undefined."); } } jQuery.fn.loadAdvInfDD = function(stdId) { $("#hdrAdvInf").html("Demographic Data"); var url = "/cc3_scripts/cc_server2.exe?style$=GUI&class$=ICS&optionclass$=ICS&mode$=ICS&wrap=false"; url += urlUser + "&template$=view_demographic&option$=view_demographic&logmode=ADV_&studentid=" + stdId; var dsp = $(this); dsp.html(loadHTML); dsp.load(url, function() { // dsp.frmCaptureRegAskTerm(url); }); } jQuery.fn.loadAdvInfDA = function(stdId) { $("#hdrAdvInf").html("Degree Audit"); var url = "/cc3_scripts/cc_server2.exe?style$=GUI&class$=ICS&optionclass$=ICS&mode$=ICS&wrap=false"; url += urlUser + "&template$=degree_audit&option$=degree_audit&logmode=ADV_&studentid=" + stdId; var dsp = $(this); dsp.html(loadHTML); dsp.load(url, function() { // dsp.frmCaptureRegAskTerm(url); }); } function SubmitDeg(opt, mode) { var url = "/cc3_scripts/cc_server2.exe?style$=GUI&class$=ICS&optionclass$=ICS&mode$=ICS&wrap=false"; url += urlUser + "&logmode=ADV_&studentid=" + $("#studentid").val(); if ( opt == 'SHOP' ) { url += "&template$=degree_shop&option$=degree_shop"; } else if ( opt == 'SAVED' ) { url += "&template$=degree_review&option$=degree_review"; } else if ( opt == '' ) { url += "&template$=degree_audit&option$=degree_audit"; } else { alert("Option " + opt + " is NOT defined!"); return; } $("#dspAdvInf").load(url); } jQuery.fn.loadAdvInfUT = function(stdId) { $("#hdrAdvInf").html("Unofficial Transcript"); var url = "/cc3_scripts/cc_server2.exe?style$=GUI&class$=ICS&optionclass$=ICS&mode$=ICS&wrap=false"; url += urlUser + "&template$=view_transcript&option$=view_transcript&logmode=ADV_&studentid=" + stdId; var dsp = $(this); dsp.html(loadHTML); dsp.load(url, function() { // dsp.frmCaptureRegAskTerm(url); }); } jQuery.fn.loadAdvInfVS = function(stdId) { $("#hdrAdvInf").html("View Schedule"); var url = "/cc3_scripts/cc_server2.exe?style$=GUI&class$=ICS&optionclass$=ICS&mode$=ICS&wrap=false"; url += urlUser + "&template$=schedule&option$=schedule&logmode=ADV_&studentid=" + stdId; var dsp = $(this); dsp.html(loadHTML); dsp.load(url, function() { $(this).frmCaptureRegAskTerm(url); }); } jQuery.fn.loadAdvInfVG = function(stdId) { $("#hdrAdvInf").html("View Grades"); var url = "/cc3_scripts/cc_server2.exe?style$=GUI&class$=ICS&optionclass$=ICS&mode$=ICS&wrap=false"; url += urlUser + "&template$=grade_report&option$=grade_report&logmode=ADV_&studentid=" + stdId; var dsp = $(this); dsp.html(loadHTML); dsp.load(url, function() { dsp.frmCaptureRegAskTerm(url); }); } jQuery.fn.loadAdvInfVT = function(stdId) { $("#hdrAdvInf").html("Advising Info"); var url = "/cc3_scripts/cc_server2.exe?style$=GUI&class$=ICS&optionclass$=ICS&mode$=ICS&wrap=false"; url += urlUser + "&template$=test_scores&option$=test_scores&logmode=ADV_&studentid=" + stdId; var dsp = $(this); dsp.html(loadHTML); dsp.load(url, function() { dsp.frmCaptureRegAskTerm(url); }); } jQuery.fn.clickAdvReg = function( display ) { $("#btnAdvReg").click().button("refresh"); var dsp = ( typeof(display) != "undefined" ) ? display : $("#dspAdvReg"); var stdId = $("#studentid").val(); var id = $(this).attr("id"); if ( id == "btnAdvRegCA" ) { dsp.loadAdvRegCA(stdId); } else if ( id == "btnAdvRegAD" ) { dsp.loadAdvRegAD(stdId); } else if ( id == "btnAdvWeb" ) { dsp.loadAdvWeb(stdId, "btnAdvWeb", true); } else { alert("Button " + id + " is undefined."); } } jQuery.fn.frmCaptureRegAskTerm = function(url) { var dsp = $(this); $("#termselect", dsp).attr("selectedIndex", 0); $("form[name='AskTerm']", dsp).submit(function() { var data = $(this).serialize(); dsp.html(loadHTML); $.post(url, data, function(data) { dsp.html(data); dsp.frmCaptureRegist(url); }); return false; }); } jQuery.fn.frmCaptureRegist = function(url) { var dsp = $(this); $("form[name='chngTrmDpt']", dsp).submit(function() { var data = $(this).serialize(); dsp.html(loadHTML); $.post(url, data, function(data) { dsp.html(data); dsp.frmCaptureRegAskTerm(url); }); return false; }); $("input[value='Add']", dsp).removeAttr("onclick").click(function(e) { $("input[name='course']", dsp).val($(this).attr("coursecode")); $("input[name='mode']", dsp).val("add"); var data = $("form[name='regist']", dsp).serialize(); dsp.html(loadHTML); $.post(url, data, function(data) { dsp.html(data); dsp.frmCaptureRegist(url); }); return false; }); $("input[value='Drop']", dsp).removeAttr("onclick").click(function(e) { $("input[name='course']", dsp).val($(this).attr("coursecode")); $("input[name='mode']", dsp).val("drop"); var data = $("form[name='regist']", dsp).serialize(); dsp.html(loadHTML); $.post(url, data, function(data) { dsp.html(data); dsp.frmCaptureRegist(url); }); return false; }); $("input.goBack", dsp).removeAttr("onclick").click(function(e) { $("input[name='course']", dsp).val($(this).attr("coursecode")); $("input[name='mode']", dsp).val("add"); var data = $("form[name='goBack']", dsp).serialize(); dsp.html(loadHTML); $.post(url, data, function(data) { dsp.html(data); dsp.frmCaptureRegAskTerm(url); }); return false; }); } jQuery.fn.loadAdvRegCA = function(stdId) { $("#hdrAdvReg").html("Course Availibility"); var url = "/cc3_scripts/cc_server2.exe?style$=GUI&class$=ICS&optionclass$=ICS&mode$=ICS&wrap=false"; url += urlUser + "&template$=course_avail&option$=course_avail&logmode=ADV_&studentid=" + stdId; var dsp = $(this); dsp.html(loadHTML); dsp.load(url, function() { $(this).frmCaptureRegAskTerm(url); }); } jQuery.fn.loadAdvRegAD = function(stdId) { $("#hdrAdvReg").html("Add/Drop Courses"); var url = "/cc3_scripts/cc_server2.exe?style$=GUI&class$=ICS&optionclass$=ICS&mode$=ICS&wrap=false"; url += urlUser + "&template$=registration&option$=registration&logmode=ADV_&studentid=" + stdId; var dsp = $(this); dsp.html(loadHTML); dsp.load(url, function() { dsp.frmCaptureRegAskTerm(url); }); } jQuery.fn.loadAdvWeb = function(stdId, btnId, opt) { var toggle = ( typeof(opt) != "undefined" ) ? 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true : false; if ( !flagged ) { alert("You must report at least one item to Sumbit an APR."); return; } var std = $("#studentid"); var stdId = std.val(); var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_rpt_save_oth"; if ( typeof(rptId) == "undefined" ) { var rptString = getRptNbrString(rptNumberAdvOth); var rptId = "STAF" + stdId + rptString; } var cmtData = ""; var cmt = $("textarea.comment", $(this)); cmt.each(function() { cmtId = cmt.attr("id"); $("input." + cmtId).each(function(index) { cmtData += "&" + $(this).attr("name") + "=" + encodeURIComponent($(this).val()); }).remove(); }).remove(); var msgData = ""; var msg = $("textarea.message", $(this)); msg.each(function() { msgId = msg.attr("id"); $("input." + msgId).each(function(index) { msgData += "&" + $(this).attr("name") + "=" + encodeURIComponent($(this).val()); }).remove(); }).remove(); var data = $("form", $(this)).serialize() + cmtData + msgData; data += "&reportid=" + rptId + "&approval=S&signed=Y&rptPost=" + std.data("rptPost"); var dsp = $(this); dsp.html("Submitting..."); $.post(url, data, function(data) { dsp.html(data); var t = setTimeout('$("#dspOthRptAPR", $("#dspAdvOth")).loadAdvOthAPR_View("' + rptId +'")', 2000); }); } jQuery.fn.deleteAdvOthAPR = function(rptId) { var crs = $("#courseId"); var crsId = crs.val(); var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_rpt_save_oth"; var data = "&reportid=" + rptId + "&courseid=" + crsId + "&approval=X&signed=&rptPost=delete"; var dsp = $(this); dsp.html("Deleting..."); $.post(url, data, function(data) { dsp.html(data); var t = setTimeout('$("#dspOthRptAPR", $("#dspAdvOth")).loadAdvOthAPR()', 2000); }); } jQuery.fn.loadAdvOthAPR_Edit = function(rptId) { var url = urlBase + "&template$=ear_rpt_edit_oth"; var data = "reportId=" + rptId; var stdOth = $("#studentid"); stdOth.data("rptPost", "edit"); $(this).html("Loading..."); $(this).load(url, data, function(responseText, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) { $(this).setDatepickers(); setFlag(""); $("select.issue", $(this)).each(function() { $(this).append(attOptions).val($(this).data("dfltValue")).change(function() { $(this).statusChange($(this).data("row"), true); }).change(); }); $("select.grade", $(this)).each(function() { $(this).append(grdOptions).val($(this).data("dfltValue")); });; $("button", $(this)).button({ create: function(event, ui) { $(this).click(function(event) { $(this).clickAdvOthAPR(event); }); } }); $("textarea.comment").each(function(index) { $(this).change(function() { $(this).textCounter(512, 64); setFlag(index + 1); }).keyup(function() { $(this).change(); }); var html = ""; $(this).parent().find("." + $(this).attr("id")).each(function() { html += $(this).val(); }); $(this).html( html.replace(/
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